Ethereum: Segwit Address Creation

Ethereum: Segwit Error Creating Address on Bitcoin Core

The Ethereum community has been experiencing issues with creating segwit addresses in Bitcoin Core, a popular cryptocurrency client. In this article, we will explore the error message and possible solutions to resolve the issue.

Error Message:

When attempting to create a new segwit address using Bitcoin Core 15.0.1 on 64-bit Windows, users are greeted with an error message similar to the following:

$ getnewaddress

getnewaddress: Unable to find key matching the requested format

What is Segwit?

Segwit (Segmented Witness) addresses were designed for Ethereum and other blockchain networks to improve scalability. Segwit addresses have several benefits, including:

  • Reduced transaction fees
  • Increased throughput
  • Improved network security

Bitcoin Core Version: ۱۵.۰.۱

The error message indicates that Bitcoin Core cannot find a key that matches the required format for creating segwit addresses.

Possible solutions:

To resolve this issue, users can try the following solutions:

۱. Update Bitcoin Core to the latest version

Make sure that the latest version of Bitcoin Core is installed on the system. You can download the latest version from the [official website](

$ bitcoin-qt --getchangelog

۲. Enable Segwit support

Some users may need to enable segwit support in Bitcoin Core. To do this, follow these steps:

  • Open a terminal and run:

$ bitcoin-qt --enable-segwit=true

  • Restart the Bitcoin Core client.

۳. Update your wallet software

If you have older wallet software installed, such as Electrum or MyEtherWallet, it may be causing problems with segwit generation. You can try updating these wallets to the latest version:

  • Download and install a new wallet from its official website.
  • Restart your wallet after installation.

۴. Add Segwit private keys

If you used private keys generated by your wallet software, it is possible that they are not compatible with segwit addresses. You can try generating new private keys specifically for segwit addresses:

  • Open a terminal and run:

$ bitcoin-qt --getnewwaddress

  • Follow the instructions to generate a new address.

۵. Reset Bitcoin Core

If none of the above solutions work, you can try resetting Bitcoin Core by doing the following:

  • Closing all instances of Bitcoin Core.
  • Deleting the data folder.
  • Rebooting the system.


Creating segwit addresses in Bitcoin Core can be a bit tricky, but there are several solutions available to resolve this issue. By updating Bitcoin Core to the latest version and enabling segwit support, you should be able to successfully create new segwit addresses. Additionally, updating your wallet software or generating new private keys specifically for segwit addresses may also help resolve the issue.

Tips and Variations:

  • Please note that not all wallets support segwit addresses.
  • Some wallets may require additional configuration settings to enable segwit support.
  • For more information about follow-on and Bitcoin Core, see the official [Bitcoin Core documentation](

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