Ethereum: How to create Bitcoin from source in Linux?

Building Bitcoin from Source on Ubuntu VirtualBox

As a developer familiar with Linux and cryptocurrency projects, you’re probably interested in building Bitcoin from source. However, the provided build notes may not be enough to successfully compile and run the Bitcoin application on your Ubuntu VirtualBox environment. This article will guide you through the process of building Bitcoin from source, addressing common errors that might arise.


  • Ubuntu VirtualBox installed on your system

  • Java Development Kit (JDK) 8 or higher

  • Maven 3.x

Step 1: Clone the Bitcoin Source Code

First, clone the Bitcoin repository using Git:

git clone

Replace /path/to/bitcoin with the actual path to the cloned repository.

Step 2: Configure Maven

Maven is required for building Bitcoin. Create a pom.xml file in the project root directory:



< artifactId > bitcoin core



Bitcoin Core









< addClasspath > true

This pom.xml file specifies the project dependencies, including the Bitcoin Core project.

Step 3: Run Maven

Run Maven to build and compile the Bitcoin code:

etc. cleanpackage

This will build the Bitcoin application in a target directory.

Step 4: Configure VirtualBox

Ethereum: How do I build Bitcoin from source in Linux?

To run the compiled Bitcoin application on your Ubuntu VirtualBox environment, you’ll need to:

  • Create a bitcoin.conf file in the /etc/virtualbox/VBoxManage.json.ssh file.

  • Set the display and vcpus options:


"name": "bitcoin"

"type": "virtualbox"

"uuid": "your-uuid-here"

"cpu": {

"type": "host"


"memory": 2048,



"size" : 1000000

} }




"id": "default"

"type": "vm"

" allowGuestToSsh " : true

} }


} }

Replace your-uuid-here with the actual UUID for your VirtualBox machine.

  • Restart the VirtualBox interface to apply the changes.

  • Start a new instance of the Bitcoin application using:

vboxmanage startvm bitcoin &

This will launch the Bitcoin application in the newly created VirtualBox instance.

Common Errors and Solutions

Some common errors when building Bitcoin from source on Ubuntu VirtualBox include:

  • mvn clean package: Make sure you have Java Development Kit (JDK) 8 or higher installed.

  • vboxmanage startvm bitcoin&: Make sure you have configured the display and vcpus options in your bitcoin.conf file.

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