Ethereum: If I lost my public keys, could I recover them from the private key? [duplicate]

The Risk of Losing Public Keys: Can You Recover Them from Your Private Key?

Losing your public key can be a serious problem for Ethereum users, especially if you don’t properly store your private key. In this article, we’ll explore the possibility of recovering public keys from your private key and address creation.

What are public and private keys?

In the context of cryptocurrencies like Ethereum, both public and private keys play a crucial role in securing your assets. Your
public key is a unique identifier that allows others to receive funds or access your cryptocurrency holdings on the blockchain. It is typically displayed publicly and can be used to send transactions.

On the other hand, your
private key is a long, complex string of characters used to sign and store transactions. Only you (the account holder) has access to it, making it essential for secure transactions.

You will lose your public key

If your public key is lost or compromised, you may face significant challenges in recovering your funds. Here are some possible scenarios:

  • No funds: If your private key was used to sign a transaction, the sender will not be able to refund you.
  • Locked in your wallet: Your account may be locked or suspended due to lack of funds, making it difficult for you to recover your public keys.
  • Loss of access: If your private key is stored in an unrecoverable storage location (such as a hardware wallet), you may lose access to your funds.

Can you recover public keys from your private key?

Unfortunately, yes, public keys can be recovered if you still have the private key. However, this process can be complicated and time-consuming.

To recover your public keys:

  • Create a recovery phrase

    Ethereum: If I lost my public keys, could I recover them from the private key? [duplicate]

    : If you have set up a multi-digit wallet, create a recovery phrase that includes both your private key and the corresponding public key.

  • Use a secure recovery method: Use a secure method to store or access your private key, such as a hardware wallet with a chain recovery mechanism.
  • Send funds back to yourself: If you have sufficient funds in your account, you can use the recovered private key to return them to yourself.

Creating an address and generating a public key

To create an Ethereum address, you need to generate a
public key, which is a unique identifier that identifies your Bitcoin-compatible Ethereum wallet address. Here’s how it works:

  • Create a new wallet: Open the MetaMask browser extension or use another wallet app.
  • Create a new private key: Select New > Private Key and generate a new private wallet key.
  • Create an address: In MetaMask, go to Settings > Wallet > Advanced Settings and select “Use Private Key as Wallet Address”.
  • Add public key to address: Paste or type in the generated public key.


Losing a public key can be frustrating, but it can be recovered from the private key. However, this process requires caution and proper storage procedures to avoid potential security risks. Always prioritize security when managing your cryptocurrency assets.

By understanding how public and private keys work and what recovery options are available, you will be better prepared to protect your Ethereum funds in the event of loss or compromise. Stay safe online!

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