Ethereum: Why is my spiritual variable destroyed when it has an axiom?

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Ethereum: Why is My Ghost Variable Havoc’ed When it has an Axiom?

As any developer familiar with the Ethereum ecosystem knows, variables can sometimes behave in unexpected ways when used as ghost variables. In this article, we’ll explore why your listingUpdatesCount variable might be havoc’d (or “havoc’d”) even though it should have a value of 0.

Ethereum: Why is my ghost variable havoc'd when it has an axiom?

What is a Ghost Variable?

In the context of Ethereum programming, a ghost variable is a variable that exists in memory but does not affect the actual state of the blockchain. These variables are often used as a placeholder or to provide temporary values ​​while a more permanent solution is being implemented.

The init_state Axiom

When you use a ghost variable within a smart contract, it’s essential to ensure that its value complies with the init_state axiom. This axiom states that any initial state of a variable must have a corresponding initial value for that variable when using a ghost variable.

In your case, you have the following line:

ghost mathint listingUpdatesCount {

init_state axiom listingUpdatesCount == 0;


However, as we’ve discussed earlier, this will not work correctly due to the use of a non-numeric type (listingUpdatesCount) in place of an initial value.

The Problem with Non-Numeric Types

In Solidity, types can be either numeric (such as uint or int) or not numeric. When you try to assign a non-numeric value to a ghost variable, Ethereum will treat it as if the value were a numeric type. As a result, any subsequent operations performed on the ghost variable may have unpredictable behavior.

The Consequences of Havoc’d Values

When your listingUpdatesCount ghost variable is havoc’d, you might encounter unexpected behavior in your contract, including:

  • Unintended state changes: Changes to the value of your ghost variable could cause unintended state changes within your contract.

  • Logic errors: Without a proper understanding of how your contract behaves with non-numeric values, it may lead to logic errors or bugs that are difficult to track down.

Suggesting Solutions

To resolve this issue, you should ensure that your listingUpdatesCount ghost variable is replaced with an actual numeric value. Here’s what you can do:

  • Replace the ghost variable: Update your contract to use a numeric type for your ghost variable.

uint listingUpdatesCount {

init_state axiom listingUpdatesCount == 0;


  • Use a numeric initialization approach

    : Instead of using init_state, consider initializing your ghost variable directly with a value, like this:

uint listingUpdatesCount = 0; // or any other valid numeric initial value

// Earth is...

listingUpdatesCount = 1; // or any other desired value

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the havoc’d values ​​issue and ensure that your ghost variable behaves as expected.

Let me know if you have any further questions about this article!

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